School of Economics
Shandong University
27 Shanda Nanlu
Jinan, Shandong Province, China, 250100
[1] Chen, Qiang and Zhijie Xiao, "Spread Regression, Skewness Regression, and Kurtosis Regression with an Application to the U.S. Wage Structure," Journal of Applied Econometrics, 2025, forthcoming.
[2] Yan, Guanpeng, Qiang Chen and Zhijie Xiao, "Quantile Control Method: Causal Inference with One Treated Unit via Quantile Random Forest," 2025, Stata Journal, revise and resubmit.
[3] Chen, Qiang, Zhijie Xiao and Guanpeng Yan*, "Short, Long and Large Panel Data Models with Interactive Fixed Effects Models," 2025, working paper.
[4] 陈强、齐霁、颜冠鹏*,《双重差分法的安慰剂检验:一个实践的指南》,《管理世界》,2025,即将发表。
[5] 陈强,《计量经济学中的因果推断:过去、现在与未来》,《中山大学学报(社会科学版)》,2025,即将发表。
[6] 陈强、李文君,《农地确权作为一种制度变迁:来自中国劳动力动态调查的证据》,《山东大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》,2025,即将发表。
[7] 陈强、齐霁、颜冠鹏,《经济学实证研究中的中介效应分析》,2025,工作论文
[8] 康娜、汪建雄、陈强*,《非法定事由与离婚判决:基于裁判文书大数据的实证分析》,2025,工作论文
[1] Chen, Qiang, Zhijie Xiao and Qingsong Yao, "Quantile Control via Random Forest," Journal of Econometrics, 2024, forthcoming.
[2] Chen, Qiang and Wenjun Li, "On the Sparsity of Synthetic Control Method," Journal of Applied Economics, 2024, forthcoming.
[3] Chen, Qiang, Ji Qi and Guanpeng Yan, "Are Outcome Variables Always Bad Controls: The Case of Mediating Variables," Applied Economics Letters, 2024, forthcoming.
[4] 陈强、齐霁、颜冠鹏*,《断点回归的两大分析框架:我们究竟该用哪一个?》,2024,《经济学动态》,即将发表。
[1] Chen, Qiang and Ji Qi, "How Much Should We Trust R2 and Adjusted R2: Evidence from Regressions in Top Economics Journals and Monte Carlo Simulations," Journal of Applied Economics, 2023, 26, 1, 2207326.
[2] Chen, Qiang and Guanpeng Yan, "A Mixed Placebo Test for Synthetic Control Method," Economics Letters, 2023, 224, 111004.
[3] Yan, Guanpeng and Qiang Chen*, "synth2: Synthetic Control Method with Placebo Tests, Robustness Test and Visualization," Stata Journal, 2023, 23, 597-624. (Lead Article) .
[4] Chen, Qiang and Guanpeng Yan, "On the Two Algorithms for Estimating Interactive Fixed Effects Models in Bai (2009)," Economics Letters, 2023, 233, 111395.
[5] 康娜、陈强*,《数字经济下数字藏品的三个关键法律问题与规制建议》,《山东大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》,2023年第2期。
[6] 陈强,《计量经济学及Stata应用》,第二版,高等教育出版社。
[1] Yan, Guanpeng and Qiang Chen*, "rcm: A Command for the Regression Control Method," Stata Journal, 2022, 22, 842-883.
[2] 陈强、刘春雨、郝煜,《中国姓氏人口的历史计量分析:典型特征、决定因素与作用机制》,《中国经济史研究》2022年,第6期,5-31(封面文章,转载于《社会科学文摘》2023年第2期,《高等学校文科学术文摘》2023年第1期)。
[1] 方诚、陈强*,《棚户区改造安置的第三种方式:以安庆市的房票政策为例》,《经济学(季刊)》,2021年,第21卷,第2期,733-754。
[2] 陈强,《机器学习及Python应用》,高等教育出版社。
[1] Sun, Shengmin, and Qiang Chen*, "Household Responsibility System and China's Agricultural Growth Revisited: Addressing Endogenous Institutional Change," Economics of Transition and Institutional Change, 2020, 28, 537-558 (Lead Article).
[2] 陈强,《机器学习及R应用》,高等教育出版社。
[1] Chen, Qiang, "Dynastic Cycles and Nomadic Conquests: Further Evidence from China and World History," in Economic Growth and Transition of Industrial
Structure in East Asia, Springer, 2018, 59-72.
[2] 陈强,《以气候变化为切入点,定量研究中国历史》,《灾害与历史》第一辑,2018年,236-240。
[1] 孙圣民、陈强*,《家庭联产承包责任制与中国农业增长的再考察:来自面板工具变量法的证据》,《经济学(季刊)》,2017年,第16卷,第2期,815-832。
[2] 陈强、孙丰凯、徐艳娴,《冬季供暖导致雾霾?来自华北城市面板的证据》,《南开经济研究》,2017年,第4期,25-40。
[1] 陈强,《王朝周期假说及其检验》,《经济资料译丛》,2016年,第3期,11-15。
[1] Chen, Qiang, "Climate Shocks, Dynastic Cycles and Nomadic Conquests: Evidence from Historical China," Oxford Economic Papers, 2015, 67(2), 185-204 (Lead Article).
[2] Chen, Qiang, "Climate Shocks, State Capacity, and Peasant Uprisings in North China during 25-1911 CE," Economica, 2015, 82(326), 295-318.
[3] Chen, Qiang, "The Effect of Patent Laws on Economic Growth: Evidence from Cross-country Panels during 1600-1913," Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 2015, 3(1), 145.
[4] 陈强,《气候冲击、政府能力与中国北方农民起义:公元25-1911年》,《经济学(季刊)》,2015年,第14卷,第4期,1347-1374。
[5] 汤玉刚、陈强、满利苹,《资本化、财政激励与地方公共服务提供:基于我国35个大中城市的实证分析》,《经济学(季刊)》,2015年,第15卷,第1期,
[6] 陈强,《如何做实证研究:以经济学实证论文为例》,《中国研究生》,2015年第3期,27-32。
[7] 陈强,《计量经济学及Stata应用》,第一版,高等教育出版社。
[1] 陈强,《气候冲击、王朝周期与游牧民族的征服》,《经济学(季刊)》,2014年,第14卷,第1期,373-394。
[2] 陈强、李晶,《中国离诺贝尔科技奖还有多远:来自跨国面板数据的启示》,《山东大学学报(哲社版)》,2014年,第4期,44-51。
[3] 陈强,《高级计量经济学及Stata应用》,第二版,高等教育出版社。
[4] 陈新岗、陈强,《山东革命根据地的奇迹与启示:货币、金融与经济政策》,山东人民出版社,2014年
[1] 陈强,《李约瑟之谜再思考:工商产权的保护》,《新政治经济学评论》,2013年,第1期,16-46。
[2] 陈强,《中原王朝被征服的计量历史分析:回应》,《制度经济学研究》,2013年,第1期,249-252。
[3] 陈强,《中国历史上为何数次被游牧民族征服》,《经济资料译丛》,2013年,第2期,66-68。
[1] Chen, Qiang, "The Needham Puzzle Reconsidered: The Protection of Industrial and Commercial Property Rights," Economic History of Developing Regions, 2012, 27(1), 38-66.
[2] 汤玉刚、陈强,《分权、土地财政与城市基础设施供给》,《经济社会体制比较》,2012年,第6期,98-110。
[1] 陈强,《政治失势者成为经济发展的障碍:以近代中国与日本为例》,《山东大学学报(哲社版)》,2011年,第1期,49-57。
[2] 陈强,《中原王朝被征服的计量历史分析》,《制度经济学研究》,2011年,第2期,92-106。
[1] 陈强,《高级计量经济学及Stata应用》,第一版,高等教育出版社。
[1] Chen, Qiang, "The Labor Scarcity Paradox Reconsidered: A Simple Growth Theoretic Explanation," Applied Economic Letters, 2009, 16(15), 1501-1504.
[2] 陈强,《国际贸易与西方世界的兴起:财富效应还是货币效应》,《世界经济》,2009年,第1期,72-77。
[3] 陈强,《限户型政策的经济学分析》,《产业经济评论》,2009年,第4期,40-56。
[1] Chen, Qiang, "The Effect of Patent Laws on Invention Rates: Evidence from Cross-country Panels," Journal of Comparative Economics, 2008, 36(4),
* : 通讯作者 (corresponding author)